StartTax DisputeEnforcement of Tax Debt

Effective legal protection against enforcement by the Tax Authority

If an enforcement of tax debt is impending / Advice by the tax law specialist and tax adviser in Cologne

Enforcement measures often pose an existential threat for the client, and the Tax Authority is in an advantageous position: It can create its own enforcement order by way of issuing a tax assessment notice. This means, that the balance of power is shifted in favour of the Tax Authority. This is contrary to civil matters, where the respondent must first be sued in order to obtain an enforceable judgement. For the sake of equality in tax law, the client should be aware of his rights in enforcement proceedings. Our tax law specialists in Cologne represent clients in enforcement proceedings and utilize their practical experience as former officers of the Tax Authority.

1. Checklist: When is the Tax Authority permitted to enforce debt?

2. Strategies to deal with enforcement

3. Trade Tax

4. Security Deposit

5. How can spouses protect each other?

6. How does the Tax Authority become aware of bank accounts?

7. What happens if someone flees to a foreign country?

LHP Attorneys at Law, Tax Law Specialists, Tax Advisers
Tax GmbH und LHP Legal GmbH


An der Pauluskirche 3-5, 50677 Cologne,
Telephone: +49 221 39 09 770


Tödistrasse 53, CH-8027 Zurich,
Telephone: +41 44 212 3535

Auszeichnungen & Zertifikate als Steuerkanzlei - LHP Rechtsanwälte