StartTax Dispute

Tax Dispute

Each of our tax attorneys offers up to 20 years of practical experience in tax law. Our practical know-how is complemented by continuous professional education, which is essential for our law firm given the complexities of tax law. As tax law specialists and tax advisers, our up-to-date knowledge ensures the appropriate application of complex tax regulation in the best possible way.
It goes without saying that the scope provided by the law for structuring tax affairs can be utilized for the benefit of our clients. We guide our clients through the maze of taxation laws and, as a result, also relieve them from the associated time-expenditure burden.

Tax law specialists and tax advisers - services and fields of expertise

Fields of expertise as lawyers and tax advisers

Scope of advice for our clients

German and international tax law

For us, giving advice on tax law includes advising the client on all tax-related questions, such as the submission of tax returns, including the assertion of appropriate interpretations of the law, the clarification of individual factual questions, the tax-optimised structuring of business dealings, transactions or restructuring and the advice on tax ramifications entailed by projects, both inside and outside of Germany. We also negotiate effectively with the Tax Authorities on behalf of our clients. If a settlement cannot be achieved this way, lodging objections, and commencing litigation are part of our daily work, which aims to achieve the best possible result for our clients. Tax advice is a matter of trust. This applies to individual questions or projects as it does to ongoing tax advice. Our clients can expect due attention to detail and the protection of confidence resulting in the best possible solution for their personal situation. We pay particular attention to the overall context, e.g. the interaction of a certain issue with other operational or personal/family circumstances. This enables us to approach all tax-related matters with a suitable concept. If required, we draw on our internal pool of specialist attorneys in civil and corporate law for the effective clarification and discussion of additional questions. LHP Attorneys cooperate across different fields.

Specialist attorney for tax law: Solid knowledge and practical experience as tax adviser

Hardly any area of law changes as rapidly (and inscrutably for laypeople) as tax law does. Whether they are medium-sized companies, stock-exchange listed corporations, self-employed, members of the liberal professions, entrepreneurs, tradesmen, or employees: All clients want to include tax considerations to secure their economic success. This can only be achieved by the individual and competent advice of a tax law specialist. Our law firm has extensive knowledge and the necessary practical experience as tax attorneys and tax advisers to assist each individual case in the best possible way. This profound knowledge is brought together in our law firm by the continuous professional education of our partners and team members. We track the current jurisprudence and the relevant professional periodicals. We have access to the leading databases containing judgements, professional periodicals, and specialist literature.

Continuous involvement in new tax-related legal issues.

Continuous education and research enable us to keep up with the Chameleon-like nature of the ever-changing tax laws. Our clients also benefit from our continuous involvement in taxation matters: we provide speakers for seminars (e.g. for an audience of tax advisers) and publish articles in the leading periodicals of the tax profession (e.g. on procedural tax law).

We know how the Tax Authority works

Many members of our team are former employees of the Tax Authority and combine this insider knowledge with their competencies as tax law specialists and tax advisers. At LHP Attorneys at Law, we know the essential workings of the Tax Authority and we know how to efficiently reach our goals. 

LHP Attorneys at Law, Tax Law Specialists, Tax Advisers
Tax GmbH und LHP Legal GmbH


An der Pauluskirche 3-5, 50677 Cologne,
Telephone: +49 221 39 09 770


Tödistrasse 53, CH-8027 Zurich,
Telephone: +41 44 212 3535

Auszeichnungen & Zertifikate als Steuerkanzlei - LHP Rechtsanwälte