StartCriminal tax law

Criminal Tax Law

LHP Attorneys offer qualified Advice in Criminal Tax Law

Our experts in criminal tax law, who are attorneys and tax law specialists and have previously worked in tax administration and fiscal courts, are at your side. Our tax law specialists, who are also accredited tax advisers, offer you advice in criminal tax law and also act as your defence attorneys at court.

Incomplete or incorrect disclosure in tax affairs, the withholding of information from authorities or the omission of tax control characters or tax stamps for the purpose of evading taxation or obtaining unjustified tax benefits is a criminal offence. Please read the schedule of services provided by LHP Attorneys and the defence strategy recommended if criminal tax proceedings are commenced.

Areas of Practice and Topics in Criminal Tax Law

The Situation of the Accused - Competent and discreet Initial Consultation

Instructing a Defence Attorney (appointments usually on the same day)

Forming a professional Defence Team (with the current Tax Adviser)

Fees in Criminal Tax Matters - Costs for an Attorney and Tax Adviser

Pre-Trial Detention in Cases of Tax Fraud

successful defence in criminal tax matters requires excellent knowledge of procedural law. Criminal proceedings usually begin with a search of premises. The prosecution authorities (police/tax inspector) have many authorities, but are not permitted to do just about anything, and mistakes can be prevented at this stage. We observe in our daily practice, that the authorities do not always obey the law. It is important to set boundaries and secure the rights of our client. Ongoing criminal proceedings can often be brought to an end by entering into a “plea deal”, thereby preventing a dispute in court. Communicating clearly and frequently with the authorities is essential.

Competence in criminal law and expert knowledge of tax law

It is of paramount importance in court proceedings, that your defence attorney is knowledgeable in criminal law and tax law at the same time. We often succeed in mitigating the severity of a penalty by furnishing our own calculations, which prove a lesser tax loss, on which a later sentence will be based on. This is particularly the case in (foreign) matters, where the company tax auditor uses unjustified arbitrary assessments.

Expert knowledge and seasoned handling of the authorities by former officers of the Tax Authority

Our dealings with the authorities are facilitated by the fact, that many of our attorneys and tax advisers are former officers of the Tax Authority, which means that we know the inner workings of our opponent. If litigation cannot be prevented, we will assist you in court with our expert knowledge and our long-standing experience, in particular in appeals and reviews.

LHP Attorneys at Law, Tax Law Specialists, Tax Advisers
Tax GmbH und LHP Legal GmbH


An der Pauluskirche 3-5, 50677 Cologne,
Telephone: +49 221 39 09 770


Tödistrasse 53, CH-8027 Zurich,
Telephone: +41 44 212 3535

Auszeichnungen & Zertifikate als Steuerkanzlei - LHP Rechtsanwälte