
Inquiry form

Our experts are pleased to advise you on your questions regarding tax law disputes and criminal tax law proceedings. Please use the following form to describe your questions. A lawyer/tax adviser will contact you in person as soon as possible.


Callback request
Attach file

Inquiries via our contact form
You can submit inquiries to us via our contact form at any time. The inquiry is free of charge. We will contact you promptly - usually within a few hours. However, we ask for your understanding in that we do not process anonymous requests because - just like you - we like to know who we are dealing with. Of course, you can also contact us via phone.

Initial counselling (via phone)
In the framework of our initial counselling (via phone) you are given the possibility to discuss your legal matter with a lawyer or tax adviser, to sort out urgent questions forthwith or to get a first assessment of the prospects of success of a possible legal action.

The costs of initial counselling (via phone) depend on the matter. Unless otherwise agreed, these costs amount to, at a maximum, € 184.87 plus VAT for consumers. Before a client relationship is established, we will, of course, inform you of the fees involved - also on a non-binding basis - and give you an opportunity to calmly think our offer through. These fees are only incurred upon the express establishment of a client relationship. If you do not wish to be advised by us, you will not incur any costs.

For initial counselling (via phone) it is helpful if you send us a short letter containing a description of the matter either via our contact form or via fax to help us prepare for your case. After receipt of your description of the matter, we will offer you an appointment for initial counselling (via phone).

LHP Attorneys at Law, Tax Law Specialists, Tax Advisers
Tax GmbH und LHP Legal GmbH


An der Pauluskirche 3-5, 50677 Cologne,
Telephone: +49 221 39 09 770


Tödistrasse 53, CH-8027 Zurich,
Telephone: +41 44 212 3535

Auszeichnungen & Zertifikate als Steuerkanzlei - LHP Rechtsanwälte